30 Day Singer 30 Day Beginner Course with Camille TUTORIAL

30 Day Singer 30 Day Beginner Course with Camille TUTORIAL

Camille van Niekerk is the instructor for this 30 day course for beginners. Camille van Niekerk is a singer and vocal instructor in Southern California with roots in musical theater, dancing, directing, and playing roles such as Belle in Beauty & the Beast, Chiffon in Little Shop of Horrors, and Gabriella in High School Musical.


  • Day 1: Welcome to 30-Day Singer
  • Day 2: Quick Warm-Up Routine
  • Day 3: Getting the Most Out of This Course
  • Day 4: Healthy Vocal Technique
  • Day 5: All About Posture
  • Day 6: Breathing For Singing
  • Day 7: Vocal Anatomy: Meet the Larynx
  • Day 8: Applying Warm Ups To Song Work
  • Day 9: Recap of Healthy Technique – Rest, Ear Training, or Listening Day
  • Day 10: Cord Compression
  • Day 11: Chest Voice
  • Day 12: Head Voice
  • Day 13: Stretching Your Range
  • Day 14: Tone
  • Day 15: FAQ & Troubleshooting
  • Day 16: Recap of Growth
  • Day 17: Dynamics
  • Day 18: Belting
  • Day 19: Vocal fry
  • Day 20: Falsetto
  • Day 21: Runs, Turns & Falls
  • Day 22: Vibrato
  • Day 23: Mix voice
  • Day 24: Recap – Rest, Ear Training, or Listening Day
  • Day 25: Song Analysis
  • Day 26: Phrasing & Style
  • Day 27: Confidence & Nerves
  • Day 28: Performance
  • Day 29: Growing as an Artist/Performer
  • Day 30: Congratulations!

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