Sound Effects Factory The Sound of Animals WAV

Sound Effects Factory The Sound of Animals WAV

Artist: Sound Effects Factory
Title : The Sound of Animals
Release Date: 3 January 2020
Format: Digital [WAV] Label: Kubrix Ena
Total Length: 40:26
Genres: Samples Movie Effects, Special Special Animals


  • 01 Marmot, Marmota [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 02 Dormouse [The Sound of Animals] 0:57
  • 03 Tree Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 04 Roebuck [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 05 Deer Belling [The Sound of Animals] 1:48
  • 06 Wild Boar, Sus scrofa [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 07 Fallow Deer, Dama dama [The Sound of Animals] 1:10
  • 08 Apes Gorilla [The Sound of Animals] 0:29
  • 09 Monkey [The Sound of Animals] 0:28
  • 10 Monkeys [The Sound of Animals] 0:35
  • 11 Chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes [The Sound of Animals] 0:25
  • 12 Lion, Panthera leo [The Sound of Animals] 1:16
  • 13 Lion’s Roar [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 14 Lion in the Savannah [The Sound of Animals] 0:44
  • 15 Lion in the Jungle [The Sound of Animals] 0:39
  • 16 Leopard, Panthera pardus [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 17 Black Panther [The Sound of Animals] 00:31
  • 18 Puma [The Sound of Animals] 0:30
  • 19 Puma, Cougar [The Sound of Animals] 0:55
  • 20 Tigers [The Sound of Animals] 0:30
  • 21 Tiger, Panthera tigris [The Sound of Animals] 0:29
  • 22 Guenon, Cercopithecus [The Sound of Animals] 0:43
  • 23 Elephant at the Zoo, Bellows [The Sound of Animals] 0:32
  • 24 Indian Elephant, Elephas maximus indicus [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 25 Elephants and Birds in the Jungle [The Sound of Animals] 0:48
  • 26 Wildebeest, Connochaetes [The Sound of Animals] 0:50
  • 27 Hippo, Hippopotamus amphibius [The Sound of Animals] 0:52
  • 28 Brown Bear, Ursus arctos [The Sound of Animals] 0:32
  • 29 Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos horribilis [The Sound of Animals] 0:15
  • 30 Peccary, Skunk Pig [The Sound of Animals] 0:34
  • 31 Rhinoceros [The Sound of Animals] 0:35
  • 32 Rhinoceros at the Zoo [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 33 Zebras [The Sound of Animals] 0:41
  • 34 Horse Neighs [The Sound of Animals] 0:07
  • 35 Horse Neighing [The Sound of Animals] 0:12
  • 36 Dog Scotch Collie Barking [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 37 Dog Dobermann Pinscher Barking [The Sound of Animals] 0:16
  • 38 Dog Terrier Barking [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 39 Great Dane Dog, Puppies [The Sound of Animals] 1:12
  • 40 Wolf, Canis lupus [The Sound of Animals] 0:36
  • 41 Wolfs Howling [The Sound of Animals] 1:01
  • 42 African Wild Dog, Lycaon pictus [The Sound of Animals] 1:36
  • 43 Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes [The Sound of Animals] 0:51
  • 44 Coyote, Canis latrans [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 45 Hyenas [The Sound of Animals] 0:32
  • 46 Jackal [The Sound of Animals] 0:33
  • 47 Rock Hyrax, Procavia capensis [The Sound of Animals] 1:15
  • 48 Penguins on the Reef [The Sound of Animals] 1:28
  • 49 Penguin at the Zoo [The Sound of Animals] 0:39
  • 50 Manatee, Trichechus [The Sound of Animals] 1:05
  • 51 Eared Seal, Otary [The Sound of Animals] 0:31
  • 52 Tree Frog, Hyla arborea [The Sound of Animals] 1:08
  • 53 Parsley Frog, Pelodytes punctatus [The Sound of Animals] 0:39
  • 54 Catfishes in Shoal [The Sound of Animals] 0:59
  • 55 Crayfishes, Noise of the Chelae [The Sound of Animals] 0:43
  • 56 Cow Shark, Hexanchidae [The Sound of Animals] 1:06
  • 57 Snake Crawling [The Sound of Animals] 0:28

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